cream-colored Lean management详细介绍:
Beige composite tube
Lean management DIV> TD> TR>
Material DIV> TD>
cold-rolled steel pipe + plastic resin + rust layer + adhesive DIV> TD> TR>
outer diameter DIV> TD>
28mm DIV> TD> TR>
thickness DIV> TD>
0.8mm DIV> TD>
1.0mm DIV> TD>
1.2mm DIV> TD> TR>
weight DIV> TD>
500g / m DIV> TD>
620g / m DIV> TD>
707g / m DIV> TD> TR>
color DIV> TD>
beige, white, black (black anti-static), grass green, red, blue DIV> TD> TR>
length DIV> TD>
4 m / root (standard), based on customer demand for the development of length DIV> TD> TR> tbody> TABLE> P> TD> TR> TBODY> TABLE> DIV>
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